Thursday, January 31, 2013

Estimation Station

We are planning to go to Sea World this spring, but need to raise funds for the charter buses. Kindergarten will be having an Estimation Station the February 7th-13th with the winners of the prizes announced on February 14th.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Students in all Kindergarten classes learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Books, videos and class discussions were done. Emphasis on being a leader of change for peace was given. Students used listening skills to draw pictures of him.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Students are learning about penguins. We use the subject of penguins to study text features which are different in expository text when compared to fiction. We begin with accessing their knowledge with a KWL chart which grows with us as we learn new fun facts.

All classes have enjoyed watching the live webcams from the Monterrey Bay Aquarium in California.
Penguin Webcam

All classes have also enjoyed doing the Penguin Dance from Jack Hartman!