Hello Carpenter Hill Parents, Teachers and Students!
Friday, April 26th- Movie Night from 7-9 p.m. in the Colt Cafe, featuring The Lorax!
Monday, April 29th- "Make Your Mark" Monday! Bring your sidewalk chalk to school today and help beautify the courtyard during recess. Draw pictures related to the environment and nature (trees, flowers, birds, butterflies, the Earth, the sun, etc.) You could even draw a self-portrait! If you want to write words, keep them related to Earth Week and the environment (like reduce-reuse-recycle, compost, plant trees, save the Earth, etc.) All words must follow Colt Guidelines. Deep colored, bright and neon chalk will stand out the most. You can draw on the courtyard concrete everyday at recess during Earth Week if you like. We will get a "before" picture and then we will take an "after" picture. We can't wait to see you "make your mark!"
A Rain Harvester Talk will take place with all 2nd and 3rd grade students from 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. We will hear about how our rain harvesters work and why they are important. Young readers can check out the newly donated book, Jeremy Jackrabbit Harvests the Rain, by Sasha and Rodney Glassman from our CHES Library.
We also challenge Carpenter Hill staff and students to not use plastic water bottles this week. Try to use a reusable drink container. They can show off your personality, and best of all they help the environment! :)
Tuesday, April 30th- Tennis Shoe Tuesday! Bring us your old worn-out tennis shoes, of any brand for our Nike Reuse-a-Shoe Drive. Toss them in the wire bin in the front entry. We will collect tennis shoes all week. Shoes caked with mud are unacceptable. No dress shoes, cleats, flip-flops or sandals. Only tennis shoes. These shoes will be taken to Nike to be recycled and used to make track and play surfaces and also make Nike Grind products. To learn more, visit www.nikereuseashoe.com
Wednesday, May 1st- Recycled Art Sculptures due! Turn in your recycled art sculpture to an Environmental Committee Member at the front door of the library from 7:20 a.m.-7:40 a.m. and from 2:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. All sculptures must be presented with a completed entry form. Entry form and rules can be found below. Copies will also be available in the front entry in the mail slots next to the display case. Look for the green paper. This is one of our favorite activities of the year. Students, you are so creative! If you need inspiration or ideas, check out the newly donated book, Craftcycle, by Heidi Boyd.
Thursday, May 2nd- "Throw it in the Composter" Thursday! Help fill our new composter! Waste from class snacks that is appropriate for the composter will be collected on this day. Try to pack a snack like oranges, bananas, hard-boiled eggs or strawberries with leaves and stems still attached. Peels, stems/leaves and shells are great for the composter. If you are celebrating a birthday and you are serving cupcakes, we could use the paper liners. If teachers are making coffee or tea at school, we can use the used coffee grounds and filters/tea bags. Paper sacks will be provided to the classrooms for collection purposes and will then be collected on each floor at the end of the day(look for the gray tubs at the top and bottom of the stairs.) Teachers, paper sacks will be in your mailboxes next week. This is going to make a great natural fertilizer for our gardens! Young readers can check out the newly donated book, Compost Stew, by Mary McKenna Siddals to get more ideas of what can go into a composter. Older CHES students can find more information on composting in the newly donated book, Save the Planet: Compost It, by David Barker.
Friday, May 3rd- WEAR GREEN today to show your support for environmental stewardship. RECYCLED ART SCULPTURE WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED TODAY!
Please join us in celebrating all we can do to improve our children's quality of life and the world around us! We welcome and appreciate your support. If you have any questions, please contact Kim Klocke at kklocke@austin.rr.com